Santa Claus I'm writing you with extra special care.
This request's important; please grant it this year.
I'm asking for just one thing, and it is for us all.
Not asking much for me alone, so make my present small.
Make my present small, just peace on earth for all,
Real peace on earth, good will to men,
And make my present small.
I know I've asked you other years for trains and other toys,
But, Santa, this year simply bring joy to all girls and boys.
To hungry ones please bring them food, to chilly ones bring fire,
And, Santa, bring them, if you can, peace for their hearts' desire.
I know this letter's getting long, and there's so little time,
But Santa, bring an end to all the hurtfulness and crime.
To every face please bring a smile, to every heart, a kiss.
I'd forfeit all my Christmas gifts if you would just do this.